Online Questionnaire

Typical completion time: 1 minute

1. Have you ever visited Epirus before?

2. How did you find out about Epirus?

3. Have you visited, during the last three years, a tourism exhibition at your own country?

4. How did you travel to Epirus?

5.What is the country of your residence?

6. How many days did you spend?

7. What was your daily individual expense in euros (approximately)?

8. With whom did you visit Epirus?

9.What type of accommodation did you choose?

10. Where did you stay in Epirus?

11. How did you organize your trip?

12. Which areas did you visit during your staying?

13. During your staying, have you visited any of the below?

14. How “close” was, what you expected to what you experienced?

15. Are you satisfied with the cleanliness of your accommodation?

16. Are you satisfied with the location of your accommodation?

17. Are you satisfied with the services offered at the accommodation?

18. Are you satisfied with the staff in the accommodation?

19. Are you satisfied with the cost of the accommodation?

20. Are you satisfied with the local-cuisine breakfast served at the accommodation?

21.Are you satisfied with the quality-variety of the food you tasted?

22. Are you satisfied with the cost of the food?

23. Are you satisfied with the cleanliness of the restaurants?

24. Are you satisfied with the staff in the restaurants?

25. Are you satisfied with the information you received and the experience you gained from the areas you visited?

26. Are you satisfied with the culture and history that the destination offers?

27. Are you satisfied with the activities and the natural beauty that the destination offers?

28. How possible is for you to come to Epirus again?

29. How possible is for you to recommend Epirus to others?

30. Have you completed this questionnaire in the past?